

Trim is blooming with Gold Medal award in Entente Florale

The Gold Medal was awarded to Trim for its floral excellence, and St Patrick's Church played it part. Trim was one of two towns chosen to represent...

Getting ready for World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow (Poland)

Blessed are the merciful, they shall be shown mercy. Time is fast approaching for World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland and young people from the...

Huge response to Cathedral refugees appeal

Presentation Senior School teacher, Claire Dorr, launched an appeal for items to be sent to refugees who are making their way to Europe from...

Fr Gerard MacCormack leads diocesan pilgrims in Holy Land

The following report was sent from the diocesan pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Pictured at the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, are pilgrims from various...

Eucharistic Adoration, Family Prayer and Washing Feet

Fr Phil Gaffney PP reflects on the twenty-fifth anniversary celebrations of Eucharistic Adoration in St Mary's Parish, Drogheda. "On the Feast of Corpus Christi 2013,...

Bishop Michael Smith announces clerical appointments 2015

Fr Philip Smith, Parish Priest of Ballymore is retiring. Fr Oliver J. Devine, Parish Priest of Mountnugent is retiring. Fr Oliver Devine, Parish Priest of Drumraney...

“They are not just migrants – they are real people” (Trocaire)

Trócaire has called on the EU to treat the unprecedented European migration crisis as a humanitarian emergency and commit to providing an urgent response...

Reading St John’s Gospel on the Eucharist (chapter 6)

“I am the living bread which has come down from Heaven” The Homiletic Directory, published in Rome earlier this year, contains the following quotation from St...

9 August – Meath diocesan pilgrimage to Knock

Bishop Michael Smith presided at the diocesan pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday 9 August 2015.  The Bishop was joined by pilgrimage director Fr Martin...

The Relevance of St Columban in the 21st Century

Columban Ecological Institute, Dalgan, Navan 21st and 22nd August 2015 Programme: Friday 21st August 7.00-7.30pm                  Registration 7.30-7.45pm                  Welcome/Tea/Coffee 7.45-9.00pm                  Dr Thomas O’Loughlin, University of Nottingham Historian/Theologian of Early Irish Christianity. Lecture: The...