

Fifth Sunday of Easter – Lessons from Acts of Apostles

 “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals including the Lord’s Supper and to prayer....

Getting ready for Pentecost Day in Durrow

Midlands Alpha hopes to celebrate Pentecost Sunday on 19 May 2013 by gathering people of all ages from around the country to share and...

Beauparc children join Adoration pilgrimage to Knock

Pilgrims from the Diocese of Meath took part in the Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration pilgrimage to Knock on Saturday 20 April 2013. The Mass was...

Easter Sunday – “the empty tomb answers our uncertainties”

“The light of Easter dispels the darkness and fears” – that was the message from Bishop Smith on Easter Sunday.  The Bishop celebrated the...

Behold the wood of the cross, come let us adore

Good Friday is a day of intense prayer and devotion for the Church in the Diocese of Meath.  Ceremonies are taking place at almost...

Chrism Mass – priests and people “anointed by faith”

During the Chrism Mass, Bishop Smith spoke about the renewal of priestly vows: In a few moments all priests present will be invited to join...

The start of Holy Week – pilgrims on the way of salvation

Palm Sunday marks the culmination of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week. We are about to celebrate what is at the heart of...

Ceremonies for Holy Week in parishes of Meath diocese

It is the highpoint of our Christian life - Holy Week. In the world around us, many efforts are made to weaken our Christian...

Haiti expresses thanks as Lent draws to end

At the invitation of Trócaire, Bishop Pierre-Andre Dumas come to Ireland last week and included a visit to Mullingar as part of his itinerary. ...