

Sunday 25 August – The narrow gate is open to all

In his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis spoke about the words of Jesus from the day’s Gospel: “Strive to enter through the narrow...

Homily of Bishop Michael Smith at Knock Shrine

There are many forms of pilgrimage such as those demanding physical exercise like climbing Croagh Patrick here in Mayo or walking the Camino de...

Bishop Michael Smith issues guidelines on the Funeral Mass

Following a discussion at the last meeting of the Council of Priests, I agreed to write to priests in the late summer on our...

Bishop Denis Nulty ordained with joy and gladness

Report by Sarah MacDonaldPhotos by John McElroy Click here to watch highlights from the ordination ceremony with the background of the hymn ‘On Holy Ground’, composed...

Live broadcast of Fr Denis Nulty’s Episcopal Ordination

Click here for the live broadcast of the ordination ceremony.  The broadcast will be available from 2.40pm on Sunday 4 August, co-hosted by the...

Camino from Fore to Mullingar for the Year of Faith

You are invited to participate in a Camino Walk from Fore Abbey to Mullingar Cathedral on Saturday morning 27 July at 9:00am. The walk has...

“Serve the Lord with Gladness” – Bishop-elect Denis Nulty

Episcopal Ordination The Episcopal ordination of Bishop-elect Denis Nulty will take place on Sunday 4 August 2013 in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow. The ceremony...

Silver Jubilee celebrations in Curraha

A parish celebration took place on Friday 14 June in Curraha to celebrate Fr Phil Gaffney’s silver jubilee. Fr Gaffney presided at the Jubilee Mass...

Good Samaritan and St Camillus: “Who is my neighbour?”

Pope Francis reflected on the Good Samaritan, which is the Gospel for the liturgy of the fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: But God asks each...

New Russian connections with Mullingar Cathedral

The mosaics by Boris Anrep at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar are a familiar spectacle to many parishioners.  However, these works of...