

Bishop Smith celebrates Mass of the Lord’s Nativity

"The road to Bethlehem takes us on a path of mercy" Bishop Michael Smith celebrated the Mass of the Lord’s Nativity on Christmas Eve at...

Bishop Smith opens Holy Door for Jubilee Year of Mercy

The “Door of Mercy” was inaugurated at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar on the Fourth Sunday of Advent.  The opening of the...

Schedule of Christmas Masses, confessions and carol services

The Diocese of Meath has published the schedule of Masses, confessions and carol services for Christmas. A total of 264 Masses will be celebrated in...

Congratulations Fr Noel Weir – newest priest in Meath

The ordination of Fr Noel Weir took place in the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore on Sunday 6 December 2015. The 39 year old native...

Ordination of Rev. Noel Weir – final preparations underway

The following article was published in the Offaly Independent and copied here with permission. He may have chosen the religious life, but Tullamore’s newest recruit...

Bishop concludes Year of St Columban in Dalgan Park

omily of Bishop Michael Smith on the Feast of St Columban, celebrated in Dalgan Park on Monday 23 November 2015 Just to share a few...

Cathedral Choristers join choral celebrations in Maynooth

The Choristers from the Cathedral of Christ the King provided music at the Mass for a national gathering of children’s choirs on Saturday 21...

Saturday 5 December – Youth Retreat for Advent

The retreat starts at 10am and continues until 4pm, but all are welcome at any time. Lunch will be provided. Participants of World Youth Day are particularly welcome,...

Homily of Fr Dwayne Gavin, Irish Chaplain in Paris

Early on Friday afternoon, I came down here to the chapel to make sure that I had left everything ready for today’s Mass before going home...

Graduation Day at the Pontifical University, Maynooth

Among those graduating on Saturday 7 November 2015 were Mons. Daniel Buor, Fr Robert McGivney and Rev. Noel Weir. Mons. Buor is formerly Vicar General of...