The work of child safeguarding in the parishes across the diocese is being highlighted on Safeguarding Sunday (12-13 October) 2019. Bishop Deenihan wishes to acknowledge the children in our parish, especially those who assist us as altar servers, choir members, and all who take part in children’s liturgies.
The Bishop is grateful to the priests, parish safeguarding representatives, volunteers and parents who support our ministry with children and who help us to create a safe and caring environment in which children can grow in faith.
Parish staff and Safeguarding Representatives are asked this year to draw attention to the importance of ensuring safe practice when it comes to digital media (smart phones, social media etc) being used in ministry with children.
An information leaflet with advice for clergy, group leaders and parents has been prepared for parishes and is also available to download from www.meathsafeguarding.ie.
Other resources which have been made available in recent weeks include:
- Information on Training sessions in October & November 2019
- NSBCCCI newsletter for October 2019
- Meath Diocesan Annual Report for 2018
- Details on forthcoming Training sessions around the diocese of Meath
- A link to the App for Android or Apple devices from the National Board’s website
These and many other resources can be found on www.meathsafeguarding.ie