Below is a schedule of various celebrations in the parishes of the Diocese of Meath for Christmas 2014.
The listing includes the Masses for the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord in each parish, together with details on confessions, carol services and other events.
Click here to open the schedule.
Speaking in advance of Christmas, Bishop Michael Smith thanked the parishes for their efforts to make the Church a place of welcome during the Feast of the Lord’s birth.
Bishop Smith also drew attention to the message from Pope Francis in recent days about how best to prepare for Christmas. The Pope said:
“In order to obtain real joy at Christmas, which is not the joy of consumerism, first one must pray and give thanks – but then there exists a further dimension, which is bringing the glad tidings to others. Go to others, to those who are in need, both materially and spiritually. They are many people who suffer and are distraught as a result of family problems. Bring them peace, the anointing of Jesus, the oil of Jesus which does so much good and consoles the soul.”
Bishop Smith takes this opportunity to wish every joy and blessing to the priests and people of the Diocese of Meath this Christmas time and always.