Priests will be available for confession throughout a special 24-hour period in Mullingar today (Friday 4 March) to help celebrate the Year of Mercy in the Diocese of Meath.
“Keeping watch with the Lord” also takes place in the Church of the Assumption of Our Lady, Loughnavalley, this evening starting with Mass at 8 p. m. and ending with Mass at midnight. Exposition, Vespers, Rosary, Chaplet, Confession, Compline, Benediction. All welcome to come and go.
The Cathedral of Christ the King will host “24 Hours of Mercy”, beginning at 10am. There will be a Healing Mass on Friday evening at 7.30pm, as well as Mass in candlelight at 11pm and a Dawn Mass at 4am.
Children from the parish will join for Mass on Friday at 10am while teenagers have been given a designated period for youth prayer before lunchtime.
At least one priest will be in the Cathedral every hour to hear confessions.
The event will also allow pilgrims to pass through the Cathedral’s Holy Door of Mercy, which provides a plenary indulgence for those who are properly disposed.
The 24 hour vigil is part of the Church’s Jubilee of Mercy, declared by Pope Francis. The vigil concludes with Benediction on Saturday after Mass at 10am.
Click here for further information on the Mullingar 24 hour prayer vigil.
Information on similar events throughout the country is available at