An engaged couple who will be married in Rathfeigh Church in Co. Meath took part in the launch of the Accord annual report at the Shrine of Saint Valentine in Dublin. Ms Helen Young and Mr Conor Kavanagh are both from Dublin and their wedding is due to take place on 26 June 2014.
New figures for the year 2013, and which have been released by Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service, indicate an increase in demand for its two key services: marriage preparation; and separately, marriage counselling.
Marriage preparation
During 2011 and 2012, there was a modest increase in demand for Accord marriage preparation courses, however during 2013 demand has increased significantly by 7.2% with over 7,600 couples taking part in Accord marriage preparation courses.
Marriage and relationship counselling
Demand from individuals and couples for Accord’s marriage and relationship counselling service continues to rise. Accord counsellors delivered a total of 50,952 counselling hours in 2013, an increase on 2012. The level of demand for the service from year to year reflects a number of key factors:
Ø Accord’s experience and reputation as a provider of professional counselling to individuals and couples in marriages and relationships.
Ø Accord’s network of 58 centres throughout Ireland ensures that its counselling service is widely available and easily accessible to those in both urban and rural areas.
Ø Accord’s counselling service is based on the needs of clients, and not on their ability to pay, thus ensuring that those under financial pressure can access Accord’s counselling service at a cost they can afford.
In 2013 Accord counsellors worked with 6,324 cases, 56% of which were couples and 44% of which were individuals. A total of 9,890 people attended Accord for counselling in 2013. The average number of counselling sessions attended was 7.
Prayer for Engaged Couples
Heavenly Father, we praise You for your wisdom in arranging
that man and woman should not be alone but should unite themselves
to each other to form a living cell or unit,
bringing forth new members for your Kingdom.
Bless all couples who have manifested their intention
to unite in marriage in the future.
Keep them close to You and to one another,
deepen their spirit of prayer and love,
and lead them to receive the Sacrament of Marriage with joy and happiness.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.