Fr Padraig McMahon presided at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper in the Cathedral of Christ the King.
The Cathedral Choristers provided the music for the Mass, including the traditional Pange Lingua chant to accompany the Eucharistic procession as it made its way to the Altar of Repose.
The washing of feet was re-enacted and a collection for the needs of the poor in the community was taken up.
A reflection on the Eucharist was given by Dr Fainche Ryan from Mater Dei College, Dublin. Emphasising the real presence of Christ in word and sacrament, Dr Ryan noted that the Body of Christ is empowered to act “in memory of me” by the reception of Holy Communion:
“To be a Christian is to have a Eucharistic vocation. It is to allow what we do on Sundays to influence what we do every other day. The Eucharistic is a call to live lives of thanksgiving, of truth, of justice. It is a call to live as Jesus lived and to proclaim the Kingdom of God. The Eucharist empowers us with the Holy Spirit so that we can try to live more courageously. This too is what Jesus meant when he said to ‘do this in memory of me’. We are to live differently because we feed on the Body and Blood of Christ.”
These photos were kindly provided by John McCauley.