“A Mission of Mercy” on Monday 22 February – Friday 26 February 2016
Mass with Guest Speaker each evening at 8:00pm
Monday 22nd: Kate Liffey worked from 2008 until 2014 with Trocaire and spent a year in Tanzania.
Tuesday 23rd: Bro. Kevin Crowley O.F.M. Cap. is founder of the Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People which provides over 700 meals each day and over 1500 food parcels each Wednesday to the homeless and poor of Dublin.
Wednesday 24th: Pauline O’ Dowd worked for 20 years in Financial Services. She took voluntary redundancy in 2009, enrolled on a Theology degree programme and later completed an MA in Pastoral Care. She now works in Hospital Chaplaincy at St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin
Thursday 25th: Fr. Peter McVerry S.J. is a Jesuit priest. He is a respected social commentator and renowned advocate of the homeless, marginalised and the poor. He is founder of the Peter McVerry Trust which is committed to tackling homelessness, drug misuse and social disadvantage.
Friday 26th: John Lonergan is former Governor of Mountjoy Prison and the High Security Prison in Portlaoise. Mr. Lonergan proposes a strong correlation between crime and social and economic deprivation and believes that the biggest challenge facing us today is not the economy but how we are going to create a just, inclusive and cohesive society based on the core values of justice, equality fairness and compassion. He is an advocate of penal reform and restorative justice.
Celebrating 175 Years 1841-2016
The Church of the Immaculate Conception, Coole, Co. Westmeath was opened in 1841. One of the events to mark the 175th anniversary of its opening is a Novena of Masses in honour of Pope Saint John Paul II which will begin on the first Tuesday of Lent and end on the second Tuesday of Eastertide. Below is a list of the priest celebrants and the topic of each evening.
Tues. 16 February FR. PATRICK MOORE, P. P., V. F., Castlepollard.
Pope Saint John Paul II: A Saint from the Outset
Tues. 23 February FR. GABRIEL KELLY, P. P., Kinawley-Killesher
Pope Saint John Paul: Mary the Mother of God
Tues. 1 March BISHOP KEVIN DORAN, Bishop of Elphin
Pope Saint John Paul: the vital role of Marriage and the Family in our world today.
Tues. 8 March FR. JANUSZ LUGOWSKI Chaplain to the Polish Community
Pope Saint John Paul: The importance of Social Justice
Tues. 15 March FR. SHANE CROMBIE, C. C., Director of Vocations, Diocese of Meath
Pope Saint John Paul: The Sacramental Priesthood as part of God’s plan for mankind
Tues. 22 March FR. JOHN HOGAN, Adm., Rathkenny
Pope Saint John Paul: The Church – Teacher to all Nations
Tues. 29 March FR. MICHAEL CAMPBELL, P. P., Abbeylara
Pope Saint John Paul: The Spiritual Life of a follower of Christ
Tues. 5 April FR. SÉAMUS HOULIHAN, P. P. Nobber-Kilbeg
Pope Saint John Paul: The importance of Women in the life of the Church
Tues. 12 April FR. P. MOORE P. P., V. F., Castlepollard
Closing talk for the Novena in honour of Pope Saint John Paul II