Among those graduating on Saturday 7 November 2015 were Mons. Daniel Buor, Fr Robert McGivney and Rev. Noel Weir.
Mons. Buor is formerly Vicar General of the Diocese of Jasikan, Ghana.  He had been in the Diocese of Meath for the past four years, assisting in a number of parishes including Clara, Delvin, Lobinstown, Mountnugent, Mullingar and Rathkenny. He graduated with a Masters Degree in Pastoral Theology.
Fr Robert McGivney is a native of Navan, ordained last June and he will take up his appointment as curate at the Cathedral in Mullingar next month.
Rev. Noel Weir is currently assisting in Navan parish and he will be ordained a priest of the Diocese of Meath on 6 December 2015 in his native parish of Tullamore.
The awards were presented by Archbishop Eamon Martin, Chancellor of the University.  During his address, he quoted from a letter of congratulations sent by Pope Francis to the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Argentina, celebrating its centenary:


Teaching and studying theology means living on a frontier, one in which the Gospel meets the needs of the people which should be proclaimed in an understandable and meaningful way. We must guard against a theology that is exhausted in academic dispute or watching humanity from a glass castle. You learn to live: theology and holiness are inseparable.

The theology that developed is therefore rooted and based on Revelation, on tradition, but also accompanies the cultural and social processes, in particular the difficult transitions.

Do not settle for a theology desktop. Your place for reflection are the boundaries. And do not fall into the temptation to paint, to perfume, to adjust them a bit and tame them. Even good theologians, as good shepherds, smell of the people and of the road and, with their reflection, pour oil and wine on the wounds of men.