The death has occurred of Fr Gerry Rice, retired parish priest of Batterstown and former Principal of St Patrick’s Classical School, Navan and of St Mary’s Diocesan School, Drogheda.
Fr Rice was born on 23 May 1937 and was educated in St Finian’s College and St Patrick’s College, Maynooth. He was ordained on 18 June 1961 in St Patrick’s College.
The first seven years of his priesthood were spent in the diocese of Ossory, as Chaplain to the De La Salle Monastery in Castletown (Portlaoise) and then as a curate in St Patrick’s parish (Kilkenny).
In 1968 he was appointed to the staff of St Patrick’s Classical School in Navan where he taught English and History until 1986.
Fr Rice was appointed Principal of St Mary’s Diocesan School, Drogheda in 1986 until 1994.
A sabbatical year in 1994 took Fr Rice to the Sichuan Province of China where he taught Anglo-Irish Literature. Upon his return to Ireland in September 1995, he was appointed Parish Priest of Kilcloon.
Fr Rice celebrated his Golden Jubilee in June 2011 and retired from active ministry in September 2011. He resided at Moyglare Nursing Home since September 2013 and died peacefully there on 22 August 2020.
May he rest in peace.
Funeral Arrangements:
The remains of Fr. Rice will repose in the Church of St. Oliver Plunkett, Kilcloon on Wednesday from 12noon to 9:00pm. Concelebrated Mass on Thursday at 12noon with burial after Mass in the adjoining cemetery.
The Funeral Mass at 12:00noon on Thursday will be broadcast live on Youtube at the following link:
A leaflet with the scripture readings and some photos of Fr Rice which has been prepared is available for download here.
Please note that due to restrictions on numbers in churches, priests are asked not to attend the Funeral Mass on Thursday for Fr Rice, other than those who have already been confirmed.