The death has taken place of Fr Eamonn Butler, Retired Parish Priest of Drumconrath.
A native of Moylough, Oldcastle, Fr. Eamonn Butler was born on 20 July 1923, and was educated at St Finian’s College and Maynooth, where he was ordained in 1948.
After ordination he went on loan to the Diocese of Sacramento, California, from 1948 – 1952. He then served at Curate in Carnaross and Mountnugent parishes.
He taught at St. Patrick’s Classical School in Navan from 1955 – 1960 and in St Finian’s College, Mullingar from 1960 – 1978.
He was appointed Parish Priest of Drumconrath in October 1979 and Vicar Forane of the Diocese in 1984. Fr. Butler retired in 1999 and lived in Mullingar. He died peacefully in Newbrook Nursing Home yesterday.
Funeral arrangements:
Reposing at Newbrook Chapel on Sunday from 3:00pm concluding with evening prayers at 6:00pm. Solemn Requiem Mass on Monday at 12:00noon in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar.
Prayer service at 2:30pm in the Church of St Peter and Paul Drumconrath followed by burial in the local cemetery.
Eternal rest grant unto upon him, O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.