Bishop Deenihan celebrated Evening Prayer and Benediction to mark the titular feast and the Solemnity of Christ the King in Mullingar Cathedral on Sunday 25 November at 5:00pm. Parishioners, families, clergy and religious from around the diocese of Meath attended a time of prayer which was marked by a special prayer for vocations.
In his homily, Bishop Deenihan highlighted the words of Christ “My kingdom is not of this world” which are below the apse mosaic of the Ascension of Our Lord.
“Today, we could assess and re-assess our vision of the Kingdom and how we, as citizens of that Kingdom live, work and relate to others. No more than God’s Kingdom is build on almost contradictory principles, the values most sought after, appreciated and responded to are not the virtues of our time or even of success but, rather, the virtues of gentleness, charity and compassion.”
Before Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Bishop Deenihan invited the congregation to “join me in praying at this time that many more will respond to God’s call to serve him in priesthood and religious life as workers for that kingdom.”
Dedicated to Christ the King at the personal request of Pope Pius XI, the Cathedral in Mullingar was consecrated on the Sunday, 4 September 1939.
“As king He claims dominion over all creation,
that He may present to You, His almighty Father,
an eternal and universal kingdom:
a kingdom of truth and life,
a kingdom of holiness and grace,
a kingdom of justice, love, and peace.”
(Preface for the Feast of Christ the King)