Three Eucharistic Adoration Assemblies 2017 are organised by the Meath Diocesan Adoration Committee with the help of the local parish adoration committees in Tullamore, Navan and Mullingar. The first one was held in Tullamore in June, the second one was held last Saturday in Navan and the final one is in Mullingar next Saturday 14 October in the Bloomfield House Hotel starting at 9.20am.
The theme for the three Assemblies is Mission: “ Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying; Who should I send? Who will go for us? I said: Here I am. Send Me” (Is 6:8)
On Saturday last in Navan over 500 people attended, including Bishop Michael Smith, many priests, religious and laypeople from all over the Diocese of Meath.
The day was broken up very well with, prayer, talks, reflections, PowerPoint presentations, testimonies, music, details of the Pope’s visit, plans for WMOF2018, and Holy Mass. Bishop Smith delivered the opening address. Rev Andy Doyle PP Bohermeen, said the opening prayer and welcomed people. Everyone received a fabulous free pack of materials for their own weekly adoration hour. The day ended with Holy Mass celebrated by Rev Declan Hurley Adm. in Navan.
Many people commented positively about the variety of topics and speakers, both lay and clerical, and were very enthused and excited with what they heard.
Some of the comments from people who attended were very interesting. ‘I was inspired, affirmed and nourished spiritually’; ‘I really enjoyed the amazing, presentations, talks and testimonies’; ‘We received many ideas to consolidate and grow Adoration in our parishes’; ‘I feel that we all benefitted from the wonderful day and came away with a greater Eucharistic love and appreciation of the Eucharist’; ‘I would love to attend another day like that and hopefully everybody involved in Adoration will get a chance to have an enriching experience like what we enjoyed today’; ‘It was so good I would have loved a second day’
The Meath Diocesan Adoration Committee is grateful for all the support received for this Assembly from Bishop Michael Smith and the priests of the Diocese of Meath and members of the Parish Adoration Committees and Pastoral Councils at all three locations.
(Report by John Howard; photo by James Wims)