Parishioners in Dunshaughlin-Culmullen took part in a Parish Mission on 4 – 10 March. For the past few months, the Parish Council worked with a team of Redemptorist priests, Fr Tony Rice, Fr Seamus Devitt and Fr Ed Hone to design a mission programme that would focus on family and parish to strengthen the bonds within the community.
Beginning on 4 March, the focus was on family and community with a common theme of ‘Hope’ in all its aspects, running through the daily sessions. The opening ceremony was a blessing of families and there was also a Listening Ministry in Dunshaughlin Adoration Chapel from 4pm-5.30pm each day, offering everyone an opportunity for one-to-one private time with one of the Missioners. The evening session was followed by a social gathering and a cup of tea in the Pastoral Centre each evening.
Themes explored in the morning Masses during the week in both churches of Dunshaughlin and Culmullen were “Come As You Are”, “Let Us Pray”, “Give Thanks”, “Let Us Be Bread”, “Go and Live On In My Love”. Classes from the primary schools in the parish took it in turns to attend morning Mass so that all children from First Communion Class and older had the opportunity to attend the Mission. During the day the Missioners also visited the schools in the parish and ministered to the sick and housebound.
Dr. Fáinche Ryan preached on the topic of ‘Hope in Christ’s Healing’ at the evening Mission on Tuesday and Fr. Brendan McConvery gave an illuminating lecture on ‘How to Read the Bible’ after Thursday morning Mass.
Friday night’s service was titled ‘Hope in our Community’ and we thanked God for all that is good in the community; for the work of volunteers with the elderly, the youth and everyone in-between. All clubs and organisations were named before the Altar and the list extended to almost 100. As the Mission drew to a close last weekend, with a special Mass for the ‘Anointing of the Sick’ on Saturday morning, the parishioners thanked Fr. Tony, Fr. Seamus and Fr. Ed for their spiritual and practical guidance through the week. The week was a chance to reflect on Faith and to give thanks for the wonderful parish life.