Rev. Warren Collier (41) was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Meath on Sunday 10 July 2016 in St Mary’s Parish, Drogheda.

The ordination was celebrated by Bishop Michael Smith, together Fr Phil Gaffney (Parish Priest of St Mary’s Parish, Drogheda), Fr John Breen (Vice Rector of the Pontifical Beda College, Rome) and a number of priests from the Diocese of Meath and elsewhere.

Before  studying for the priesthood in Rome, Fr Collier worked with Bus Éireann in the Drogheda area. During his studies, he spent some time working in the parish of Laytown and Mornington.

The new priest celebrated his First Mass in the Church of Mary Immaculate, Collon on Monday 11 July 2016.

Fr. Phil Gaffney offered his warmest congratulations:  ‘In this Jubilee Year of Mercy we have become more aware of the mercy of God and how God welcomes us as we strive to walk in His way. A marvellous time to be ordained a priest, and to have the mercy of God as a key motif of one’s priesthood. We promise Fr Warren our prayers and support as you set out to lead your life as a priest of Christ.’

Fr Shane Crombie and Fr Joe Campbell, Vocations Directors for the Diocese of Meath, invite anyone who might be considering a vocation to priesthood might make contact with them through They also ask that we continue to pray for vocations to the Priesthood and religious life and to encourage and support those among us who might feel called to the priesthood.

(Fr Joe Campbell)