The ordination of Fr Noel Weir took place in the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore on Sunday 6 December 2015.
The 39 year old native of Clonminch, Tullamore attended Scoil Bhride and Tullamore College after which he trained as a mechanic. Following a number of years working in Intel, he began his studies for the priesthood at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth. He has assisted as a deacon in St Mary’s Parish, Navan since last May.
Bishop Michael Smith expressed thanks to Fr Noel for giving his life in radical witness to Jesus Christ. “There is no greater gift, nothing more total, that you could give to the Lord”, the Bishop said, speaking directly to the ordinand as the ceremony began.
The ordination was attended by a large congregation of clergy, parishioners from Tullamore, as well as family and friends of the new priest. Among them were his mother Mary, sisters Catherine and Eileen and his brother in-law Ignatius. The chalice and paten were presented to Bishop Smith by Amy (niece) and James (nephew).
The new priest will celebrate his First Mass of Thanksgiving on Monday 7 December at 6.30pm, the Vigil Mass of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, followed by a parish reception in St. Mary’s Youth Centre.
The ordination is the first in the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore since Fr Tony Gonoude’s in 2007 and Fr Seamus Houlihan’s in 1995.
Fr Joe Gallagher, Parish Priest of Tullamore, congratulated Fr Noel.
“This is a parish event. From choirs to hospitality, many people have given their time and energy for this day. This is not only a most special occasion in Noel’s life, it is also a parish celebration. Vocations come from the lived faith of the community. It is a testament to Tullamore Parish that three ordinations have taken place here in relatively recent times.”