The Youth 2000 Summer Festival takes place in Cistercian College, Mount Saint Joseph Abbey, Roscrea on 14 – 17 August.
This annual event for 16-35 year olds offers an opportunity for young people to experience the Catholic faith in a joyful, uplifting way. The event is the biggest gathering of young Catholics in Ireland and the programme includes inspiring talks, music, prayer, a concert, workshops, dramas, share groups, reconciliation and healing service and Mass. There is also lots of time for relaxing, taking part in games, meeting new friends and chilling out. This year’s guest speaker is Fr. John Harris. The festival is donation-only and there are free buses to and from the event. For more information and to book online visit www.youth2000.ie. Youth 2000 can be contacted at 01 6753690 or 085 8289231.
On 10 – 11 September, the much acclaimed “Rebuilt Conference” will take place in Maynooth, presented by Alpha Ireland.
Fr. Michael White and lay associate Tom Corcoran (authors of Rebuilt: Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter) will present the compelling and inspiring story of how they brought their parish back to life.
As the Conference flyer notes, “Rebuilt is an account of stopping everything and changing focus. The result tripled their weekend Mass attendance, yielded increased giving, flourishing ministries, and a vibrant, spiritual revival. You are invited to share the vision, borrow their strategies, and receive a wealth of guidance on how to rebuild your own parishes.”
Click here for further information, including registration details.