

First missionary from India appointed to Cathedral

Bishop Smith has appointed Fr Joseph Naikarakudy to serve as a curate in Mullingar parish, beginning on Sunday 9 September.  It is the first...

Twenty Third Sunday: “Ephphatha – Be Opened”

The scripture readings this Sunday make the link between opening our ears to God and hearing the call of those who are oppressed. The Christian...

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 12-17 September 2012

The annual Diocesan Pilgimage to Lourdes takes place from 12-17 September. Bishop Smith will lead the pilgrimage of over 800 people answering the invitation...

Bishop Smith ordains new deacon for Diocese of Meath

Bishop Smith ordained Rev. Michael Hinds to the diaconate in St Patrick’s Church, Trim on Saturday 25 August 2012.  The Bishop was assisted in...

Twenty Second Sunday: Reflect on the Interior Life of Faith

In this Sunday’s Gospel we hear how the Pharisees and some of the scribes came from Jerusalem to gather around Jesus as he went...

Twenty-First Sunday; “Lord to whom shall we go?”

Jesus was aware that many of his followers did not accept his teaching or believe that he was the Son of God. In response...

Fr Brendan Jordan – treating alcohol addiction in Uganda

Fr Brendan Jordan is a Mill Hill Missionary working in Uganda, whose mission periodically receives support from the Diocese of Meath. Among his many responsibilities,...

National Heritage Week – rich traditions of Christian faith

Several parishes in the Diocese of Meath hosted events to mark National Heritage Week (18 – 26 August 2012). At the Cathedral of Christ the King,...

Twentieth Sunday – Jesus says: “I am the Bread of Life”

This Sunday’s Gospel features the speech made by Jesus in the synagogue at Capernaum. On the previous day Jesus had fed thousands of people with...

St Etchen and the summer harvest

St Etchen was born in 490 AD. He founded a Monastery at Clonfad (Kinnegad-Milltownpass road).  He ordained St Columba to the priesthood.  He is...