Pre-elections statement of the Irish Episcopal Conference
The forthcoming elections provide the opportunity to elect representatives to the European Parliament, which is the House of the people of Europe, therefore we...
Audit praises “dynamism, commitment and expertise” in Meath
Statement by Bishop Michael Smith on the review of safeguarding practice in the Diocese of Meath undertaken by the National Board for Safeguarding Children...
11 May – Vocations Sunday: “Draw near to Jesus”
Vocations to the priesthood in the Diocese of Meath
There is one deacon and eight seminarians for the Diocese of Meath studying in Maynooth and...
St John XXIII and St John Paul II – recollections by Bishop Smith
The night John XXIII was elected in 1958 still remains a vivid memory for me. I was a student in Rome and, during the...
Easter Sunday: rising through baptism from darkness into light
The Easter Vigil was celebrated in each parish in the Diocese of Meath, leading the people from darkness into light. At the Cathedral of...
Holy Thursday: A new ‘passing over’ to the Promised Land
The Mass of the Lord’s Supper was celebrated in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar by Fr Michael Kilmartin. During the liturgy, the...
Good Friday: “Take up your cross and follow me”
When Jesus spoke during His public ministry He said:
Anyone who wants to be my disciple must take up his cross and follow me.
These words...
Chrism Mass: “Christians spread the fragrance of Christ”
His Excellency Archbishop Charles J Brown, Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland celebrated the Chrism Mass at the Christ the King Cathedral, Mullingar on Wednesday 16...
The start of Holy Week – pilgrims on the way of salvation
Palm Sunday marks the culmination of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week. We are about to celebrate what is at the heart of...
Fr Kelly’s video goes viral – “I love what I’m doing as a priest”
An online video featuring Fr Ray Kelly singing during a nuptial Mass has gone viral.
The Youtube clip, which has over 2 million hits, was...