Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, offering us an opportunity to reflect again on the message of the feast of Christmas we have just celebrated. The reality is that Emmanuel the Christ child has been born among us, but do we believe that God is indeed with us in the everyday aspects of our lives?
In today’s Gospel the Magi embarked on a journey of faith from the East, following the star in the hope of finding the Messiah. They were overjoyed when the star reached its resting place and they saw Jesus with his mother Mary and fell on their knees in adoration, offering gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The Magi saw the glory and power of God revealed in the simplicity of the Nativity scene and trusted in God’s providence, returning to their country by a different way.
But what does the message of the Gospel say to us? Do we share the faith of the Magi as they went to adore Jesus? Has the birth of the Saviour of the world renewed us in the light of faith just as the sight of the star filled these wise men with such delight?
The message of Christmas speaks of the love and mercy of Christ who humbled himself to come into the poverty of our existence. Through the simplicity of the crib we can contemplate this great mystery of faith. Christ was born into the world in the basic surroundings of a stable, among the ordinary people of the time. The Good News is that the same Jesus, born in a stable at Bethlehem, is present with us in the world today. The light and love of Christ shines forth in the ordinary aspects of our lives once we recognise him.
Every Eucharistic celebration gives us the opportunity to make a renewed journey of faith and recognise him at the breaking of bread. Jesus is present each time we celebrate the Eucharist. At the reception of Communion we are in adoration of the Christ who was born among us for the salvation of the world. We can offer the gift of ourselves and worship him just like the Magi did, trusting that he is indeed with us in our lives, even when the journey is not easy